
< Crowborough Farmers' Market
Next market: Sat 22nd Mar, 9.00am - 12.30pm

Crowborough Farmers' Market

Next market: Sat 22nd Mar, 9.00am - 12.30pm

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Would you like market reminders? Click here 4th Saturday every month, 9.00am - 12.30pm

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Crowborough Social Club car park, Croft Road, Crowborough TN6 1DL
Opposite Waitrose.
Plenty of parking at Waitrose car park.


Manager. Laura Verbeek. m: 07927032067. e:

Social media: Web site
About Crowborough Farmers' Market+

You will find us on the car park at the side of Crowborough & District Social Club, Croft Road, Crowborough TN6 1DL.

+ What you can buy
+ Stallholders


Botterells Fresh Fish

Botterells fresh fish is based in Rye Harbour. John Botterell offers a wide range of locally caught fresh fish and shellfish.  

Products: Fish

Contact: John & George Botterell 01797 222875 email >

Fresh Dough Bakery

Fresh Dough bakery makes pastries and specialty bread only using organic, free range, locally sourced ingredients in Crowborough. We use the best quality raw ingredients, using skills and patience to create delicious sweet and savoury goodies 
Contact: 07927032067 email >


We produce a sparkling wine which is a delight to drink and makes any occasion special. 

Products: Wines

Contact: Mark Puckett 07770 631210 email >

Vivienne's Veg

Local seasonal fruit and vegetables 

Products: Fruit, Vegetables

Contact: Vivienne Cross 01892 514922 email >

Bush Barn Farm

Products: Fruit Juice

Contact: 07483846192 email >

Coopers Farm

Products: Eggs, Meat, Vegetables

Contact: 07766744415 email >

Fayre Game

Products: Meat: Game

Contact: Peter & Antoinette Marley 01892664163/07775 766 146  email >

Fuggles Juice

Contact: 01792784529 

Ukrainian Kitchen

Ukrainian food

Products: Prepared Food

Contact: Ivonna 07383 159 836 

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