
< Lewes Farmers' Market
Next market: Sat 15th Mar, 9.00am - 1.00pm

Lewes Farmers' Market

Next market: Sat 15th Mar, 9.00am - 1.00pm

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Would you like market reminders? Click here 1st & 3rd Saturday every month, 9.00am - 1.00pm

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Friars Walk Car Park, Court Road, Lewes BN7 2SA
Behind Cliffe Precinct (3 minutes walk)
There is limited parking in Friars Walk Car Park during the market. Map of spaces available.
The Phoenix long stay car park is a 3 minutes drive away.
Drivers with a Blue Badge can park in the designated disabled parking space in the precinct or free of charge near the market in Railway Lane or Court Road.


Treasurer. Topsy Jewell. t: 07552921770. e:

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About Lewes Farmers' Market+

Lewes Farmers Market continues to provide exceptional local food, is a fun place to shop, supports local businesses, and has stuck to its principles of environmental protection, high animal welfare standards, and minimum food miles and packaging.  
We prioritise producers selling primary produce, those that use organic methods, locally sourced ingredients and high animal welfare standards. We also try to maintain a balance of produce at the market to suit customers’ needs

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